Company information
Company name Image ONE Co.,Ltd.
Securities code 2667 Tokyo Stock Exchanges
Head office 6F, Osaki New City3, 1-6-3, Osaki, Shinagawa, Tokyo 1410032, Japan.
Branch office Nagoya office, Osaka office, Kyusyu office
Capital stock 2,777 million (as of 30th Sept.2024)
Employees 43 persons (as of 30th Sept.2024)
Message from CEO
Ayumu Kawakura
From ”Back to Basics"
to "Realizing the Original Intention"
On January 31, 2024, our company disclosed corrections to past financial results. Based on Article 504, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we were requested to submit an "Improvement Report" detailing the circumstances and corrective measures. This submission was completed on March 19, 2024.
To restore trust and enhance corporate value, our company has developed the following recurrence prevention measures as stated in the "Improvement Report": thorough compliance awareness, restructuring of governance, strengthening of internal control systems, and enhancement of internal audit systems.
Director education and clarification of the selection process
Strengthening of the risk management system
Enhancement of governance
Prevention of business personalization
Reform of awareness among all employees
Review of the division of duties and decision-making authority
Review of upper management meetings
Strengthening of the internal audit system
Review and dissemination of the internal reporting system
Restriction of related party transactions
Monitoring of adherence to recurrence prevention measures
Clarification of upper management responsibilities
We would like to report that our company is implementing the above recurrence prevention measures with the full cooperation of all employees, ensuring they are carried out smoothly and without any omissions.
I am committed to conducting our business operations with fairness and integrity. Our future vision includes expanding into the healthcare and energy-related sectors, aiming to make a significant impact. With a sense of mission to enhance the corporate value of Image One, we will diligently fulfill our duties as a publicly listed company, recognized as a "Public Institution." We strive to create a company that brings satisfaction and reassurance to our shareholders, business partners, employees, and all other stakeholders.
In addition to our corporate philosophy, "To carry out work with fairness and integrity, so that we can proudly say we are doing the right thing," we have established new guiding principles(Japanese page). We would be gratefule if you could kindly confirm them.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support and look forward to your ongoing assistance.

Contact Us
6F, Osaki New City3, 1-6-3,
Osaki, Shinagawa,
Tokyo 1410032, Japan.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 17:30 pm